Thursday 7 August 2008

Successful Strategies To Improve Patient Safety In Dialysis Units

From clinicians and medication to several equipment and supplies, a myriad of resources are involved in dialysis-related treatments for patients with compromised renal function. Considering the frequency and invasive nature of dialysis treatments, the potential for procedural errors and human factor hazards is great - increasing the likelihood of inauspicious events.

ECRI Institute's Dialysis Safety: Critical Measures for Success Web conference on August 13, 2008, will couple prevalent dialysis-related safety issues with practical strategies to guard against the hazards - giving hospitals bear away tips to increase patient safety and reduce risk of exposure in dialysis units.

Expert speakers from ECRI Institute and prima hospitals will show participants how to:

Recognize the most rife dialysis-related safety issues

Mitigate dialysis-related risks and inauspicious incidents such as patient falls, medication errors, and vascular-access-related events

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